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Monday, May 14

I was inspired

By catching about 2 seconds of the Martha Stewart show. She was showing her "plane purse" and stuff that she carried with her while traveling. Well, everything was so well organized and in those cool baggies that when I opened the family room closet to see if my daughter's other sneaker was in there, I decided to clean it. Oh, what a fool am I! As I am writing this, I have found at least 10 coats hanging in the closet as well as a box full of office supplies. Now, I loooooove office supplies so it was like a bonus, but where the heck am I going to put all this stuff???

So, out come the space bags. I wish I had the nerve to post pics of my diaster area family room, but since this is not Clean House (oh how I wish I could be on that show) I am not going to embarrass myself in from of the Internet world!!

The good news is, I discovered a recycling plant that takes paperback books. Now for some, that may not be a big deal, but for me, queen of paperback books, it is a godsend. I can't wait to pack up some of my less favorite books and cart them over to be recycled. I simply hate throwing stuff out but.....since it is being recycled I feel a LOT better.

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