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Tuesday, May 29

Sick, Sick, Sick

This is one of the times that I start to seriously consider home schooling. My oldest lovely son brought home a cold from nursery school that has plagued us the entire month of May. Now I've got it and it's a doozy. Stuffy sinus, dizziness and a hacking cough - you know those kinds of coughs that make your chest tubes hurt. It's terrible.

I'm not the type of person to take a lot of medication, but let me tell you, honey, I was swigging that cough syrup. I could not sleep Monday night and ended up watching some special about the Star Wars legacy on the History Channel that was pretty interesting. Maybe I'll be able to catch it later when my head and chest are not swimming with mucous!!

At least the weather is nice. There is nothing worse than having a bad summer cold with that gross, sticky rainy humid days hanging over your head.

Hope you all had a great Memorial day weekend - it was really nice here in good ol' NJ!

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