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Friday, May 11

Ok,I've had it with this cleaning business

I've had it with cleaning. It is impossible to try to keep up with three children under four who constantly pick up stuff, walk it just far enough out of place, then drop it on the floor, behind the couch or kick it under the refrigerator. I've had it, I tell you. I have baskets, bins and various others implements of organization, however, my children don't seem to want to use them.

Ok, so you say, well, clean at night - you ARE the Black Domestic Goddess, right? Well, let me enlighten you, oh dear reader, goddessed are regal beings - I am not a witch or a fairy godmother...unfortunately, goddesses are not endowed with magic wands to wave away the constant clutter of tiny human beings. ARGH!

Yes, I know it will end.....when the last one is out of the house. Meanwhile, I'll indulge my wildest fantasies by watching Clean House and Perfect Housewives. I'll watch, dab my eye with tissue and dream that that just might be me.....oh, one day!

All right, gotta go clean now.

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