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Wednesday, May 23

Writing a Business Plan

Yes, like many stay at home mommies I do have a business. Yes, it is legit, registered with the state and everything. And, I have insurance. No fly by night operation here!! What's the problem then? NO BUSINESS PLAN.

Sure, it was okay the first few times out, but when I found myself ordering supplies for stuff that I never concocted, then it was time to sit back and not re-evaluate (because I never evaluated in the first place) but to evaluate where I'm going with this whole thing. Which is, right now nowhere.

So, I am sort of starting at square one with a lot of experience. In order to grow, I have to know where I'm coming from and where I want to go. Planning has always been a downfall of mine - yes, as a teacher I had to write lesson plans for two weeks (or more) and I hated the time that went into planning. Truthfully, though, it was rewarding in the end when I could simply open my lesson plan book and everything was right there for me.

Now back to my business. What do I do? I make and sell body and skin care products. My daughter has eczema and instead of loading her up with commerical products, some of which actually contained lye, I decided to do a litte internet research and find out what is "from nature" that would work for her. Right now I've got a formula that lessens her itching and breakouts (no, I have not found a cure for eczema- I just found something that works for her) which is great and want to pass out samples. But my inventory is a mess. I don't know what I have, I don't know what I need, I mean, really, now, is this any way for a Yale graduate to run a business?? I've got great ideas (no, I really, really do) but my follow through lacks punch.

So now, I challenge myself to write a comprehensive business plan in two weeks. Easier said than done with little ones at home, but hey, that makes the challenge even better, and I do love a challenge.

Ugh! When I have an update, I'll post it, I promise, y'all!!

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