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Wednesday, May 9

JV and Elvis

I used to listen to 92.3 free fm before I got Sirius and was able to listen to Howard Stern. In addtion, Sirius allowed me to listen to a channel chock full to my all-time favorite vocalist, Frank Sinatra. But I digress. I turned on my terrestial radio on Monday around 9:05 am to find out that JV and Elvis were indefinitely suspended due to some crank phone call they made to a Chinese food restaurant.

I did not hear the phone call, but I've heard the type of humor that JV and Elvis do. It is puerile and adolescent, but they're good for mindless entertainment and sometimes they make me laugh. ( I don't have a sirius radio dock in the kitchen, so when I clean up, I have to listen to regular radio.) I also know that they had poor ratings and were on the verge of being booted out anyway. Soooooo, I don't think that this suspension was a direct result of their poor taste in humor, but just like a Imus, an excuse to get them out the door because of thier poor ratings.

I only ask, how far is this going to go? Will jokes now be exclusive to the race or ethnicity? Will I, Dave Chapelle, Eddie Griffin and other black comedians only be allowed to make black jokes? Will Ralphie May only be allowed to make jokes about fat, white men? Will Ant (the host of Celebrity Fit Club) only be allowed to make gay jokes?

Humor is humor. Some find it funny, some don't. That's why it's humor! People really need to lighten up.

I'll have to come back to this post.....bear with me!

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