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Sunday, May 6

My Inspirational Piece

Here is one of the "inspirational" pieces that I wrote for my group.

I love Real Simple magazine, truly, I do, but I do not subscribe because I often don’t have the time to actually sit down and read it. My husband was kind enough to bring home the May issue last Friday and I simply could not resist its petal pink cover – I sat right down and began reading. What a great escape. With Real Simple, I can do anything – organize my shelves, make great recipes and get super bargains at the drugstore…things I simply cannot seem to accomplish in my real life.

One article in particular caught my eye; it was titled “Do you have a Vision?” This article was certainly an eye-opener for me (no pun intended). The article basically speaks about visualizing what you want, down to the very last detail, so much so that you can practically walk into your vision. For example, the article speaks about a woman, who at age 47, decided to law school and become an environmental lawyer. Now, I must admit, when I read that, I frowned a bit in consternation. Go back to law school? At 47? Why, she wouldn’t even graduate until she was, gasp, 50!! Her husband apparently thought the same way I did. Ah, but here was the thing – in three years, she would still be 50, so she had the choice of being 50 with no law degree, or being 50 with one.

The point is, this woman had the desire to be an environmental lawyer so badly that she visualized her daily routine, the type of people she would work with, what she would wear to work, what her office would look like….every detail down to what lawerly briefcase she would carry everyday. Her desire was so strong to achieve this dream that it was more than making castles in the air – this dream was so strong that she had made it a future reality that could not be denied. How inspiring!

So, what’s your vision? What’s that thing that you’ve always wanted to do? Don’t let yourself down – take the time right now to make your dream a reality. Visualization plus the will to succeed can make your dream a reality.

Happy Mother’s Day!

Yes, it's a bit Oprah-ish!!

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