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Thursday, May 17

How Clean is Your House?

Ah, BBC America is my new best friend. As you know from my previous post, I am addicted to cleaning shows. Certainly, I am not the best house keeper in the world, and three children added to the mix, well, let's just say that I'm a bit hopeless in that department, but I'm getting a little better, bit by bit.

Either way, this new show - "How Clean is Your House" is the most entertaining show. Certiainly, I do love Niecy Nash of Clean House and like to settle in to watch Perfect Housewives (another BBC show). Not only do I gets lots of tips, but I do see folks' houses that are worse that mine. I myself am shocked - how can some of these people live like this? How can they come home every day to look at all this? But they do!

How Clean is your House has two hosts, aggie and Kim ( I think), one is a shorter thin lady with glasses and the other is a tall stout woman who always wears heels. The shorter lady takes the swabs of the filth - in one episode soem woman had CANDIDA around the house and the woman said it may have been from.......yes, her dirty knickers. How gross!!! The most entertaining is not the filth some people live in, but the chat of the hostess themselves like these gems : "This room is a hovel", "She's a dirty devil", "Ohhhhhh, lots of time for reading, but no time for cleaning", and my absolute fave: " These people are absolutely crackers (crazy)".

Take a look for yourself this is an episode from the "worst flat ever" . Please do not watch this if you have a weak stomach - sometimes I can't even eat during these episodes.

Either way, I luv watching these because yes, someone else out there is worse off than me!!

What is about cleaning that people detest? how do people let their houses get that way? Don't they smell their houses degenerating around them? Ah, who knows!

So I ask - how clean is YOUR house! :)

1 comment:

chelsea said...

Girl, back in the day when I had cable, this was one of my favorite shows. Neicy Nash is the girl, too! I have never seen this episode before and I can honestly say I probably would have been alright had I not seen it. Disgusting! I know you're not supposed to judge others, but how could he?